Meetings & Workshops
A snap of participants attending orientation programme at Mallapuram, Kerala |
Consulative Meetings:
As a part of the orientation programmes, the Centre also conducts consultative meetings with the academicians, resources persons, local coordinators, members of managements. It helps the Centre to decide the mechanism, approaches and schedules of the programme and finalise the names of resource persons and participants. Moreover, it gives the Centre an opportunity to come across and identify the local talents who may be immensely helpful in cooperating the academic and intellectual activities of the Centre and Regional Field Unit of NTS housed at CPDUMT.
Conduct of Seminars and Workshops:
The Centre also conducts Seminars and workshops on various topics related to education and training with special reference to the aspects of teaching and learning through Urdu medium of instruction in view of ameliorating professional development of the teachers associated with Urdu medium, or who teach Urdu as a subject in the schools of any other medium. Keeping in view the fact that most of the madrasas have Urdu language of instruction in India, the Centre also tries to bring into focus the problems of withering pedagogical standard of madrasas and their indifference towards modern subjects in order to harmonise them with the cotemporary educational and instructional requisites.
Evaluation and Feedback:
At the end of the programmes, the Centre distributes Standardised Evaluation Proformas to the participants and makes evaluation of its programmes based on the feedback received from the participants on the bases of the filled in Proformas, After evaluation, the Centre prepares consolidated reports that contain performance appraisal, opinion and suggestions of the participants which are immensely helpful to the Centre for identifying the skills, curricular areas and pedagogical approaches to be incorporated in the academic schedules for orientation programmes to be conducted in the future.
Survey and Research:
The Centre has been involving the identified teachers and teacher educators in survey, action research and research work on various issues relating to teaching and learning at primary and secondary education. The Centre identified about one hundred teachers, teacher educators, educational administrators and executives. From time to time meetings were conducted to discuss the issues relating to Testing, Evaluation and Research. The Centre has collected the bio-data of the Resource Persons in various school subjects particularly teaching English, Maths and Science. The Centre has also collected the names of the Writers for writing Modules, lessons and articles. Guidance and supervision are provided to the research scholars at M.Ed., M.Phil and Ph.D. Presently, under the supervision of the Director, five research scholars for Ph.D. have undertaken doctoral research work on different educational problems i.e. A Critical Appraisal of the Scheme for the Establishment of Central Madrasa Board; A comparative study of leadership style of headmasters in relation of organizational climate in Urdu medium high schools of government, private and Masdras system in Hyderabad; Madrasa Curricula: Trends, Scope and Needs, Implications of modernization with special reference to A.P.; A study of the Aspiration and Achievement of Muslim Minority students studying through different media of education at SSC level in Hyderabad, A.P.; A study of the problems of educated Muslim working Women in four important professions in Hyderabad City, including Teaching Engineering, Medicine and Law; A study of Male Female differences in adolescence characteristics of the students of secondary schools in Mahboobnagar, District. And their levels of awareness of the problems associated with adolescence; A study of vocational needs and aspiration of Muslim minority girls in A.P.
Advisory Board Meetings:
The Centre convenes the advisory board meetings as per UGC guidelines. Recently, Advisory Board Meeting of the Centre was held on 23rdMarch 2011.It was chaired by the Vice Chancellor I/c, Prof. Mohammad Miyan and attended by thirteen members, including the Member Secretary i.e. Director, CPDUMT.
Regional Field Unit(RFU.9-B) of NTS-INDIA, (CIIL):
The National Testing Service-India, (CIIL), MHRD established a Regional Field Unit at Centre for Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers (CPDUMT), Maulana Azad National Urdu University (MANUU) in year 2008 to extend its activities in A.P. Different activities including training for preparation of modules, Educational Testing and Evaluation and identification of target groups etc. are undertaken at this Centre. RFU arranged training programmes at Mysore and Chennai to the identified teachers for preparation of modules, conducted seminar (on Testing Evaluation), meetings (of target groups) and National Level Language Test in Urdu at graduate level on 9th May 2010 at Mahboobnagar, Nizamabad and Hyderabad. The RFU conducted a seminar for headmasters and senior teachers from 07th to 09th December 2010 at CPDUMT auditorium, MANUU campus.