Name : |
Prof. Mohammad Miyan |
Permanent Address |
D-194, Defence Colony
New Delhi – 110 024
Relevant Experience : |
- Teaching Experience (PG Classes) : 35 years
- Research & Publication
- Successfully Supervised and Guided 31 Ph.D. students: themes of Ph.D work include areas of Educational Admn. and Finance: Primary Secondary and tertiary level
- Books and Research papers on creativity, educational administration and distance education
- Administrative Experience - Jamia Millia Islamia
- Dean, Faculty of Education : 3 terms
- Head, Dept. of Educational Studies : 15 years
- Registrar : 02 years
- Finance Officer : 01 year
- Honorary Vigilance Officer : 06 years
- Director (School) : 03 years
- OSD (Exams) : 04 years
- OSD (Infrastructure & Buildings) : 03 years
- Director, Academy of Profession
Development of Urdu medium Teachers : 1 &1/2 years
- Honorary Director, Centre for Distance and Open Learning : 07 years ( Sept. 2002 to May 2010)
Out side Jamia Millia Islamia
- UPSC (US) : 01 year
- IGNOU, Director of Project DEP-DPEP : 04 years
- Dr. Zakir Husain Memorial Welfare Society,
As General Secretary (an out reach programme of JMI) : 2 terms(6 yrs)
- Managing Director, Maktaba Jamia Limited : 02 years
- VC(officiating) EFLU Hyderabad
- VC(officiating) Central University of orissa
Visits abroad : Canada, Japan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Turkey, Philippines Mauritius, Oman & France, Saudi Arabia & Kuwait (in some cases represented GOI in UNESCO Seminars)
Some significant Achievements:
(i) Development of Learning Material for National Open School
National Open School which is now known as National Institute of Open Schooling (NIOS) started Urdu medium courses in Nineties. Jamia took the responsibility of translating text books in Urdu. I as the coordinator of this programme organized the translation and got it completed in two years time for Classes IX to XII. There are a significant number of students now enrolled with NOIS, who offer Urdu as their medium of instruction and examination
(ii) Regional Resource Centre
As a part of PM's 15 point programme for minorities the GOI supported 5 Regional resource Centres at
- Jamia Millia Islamia
- Aligarh Muslim University
- Osmania University
- University of Kashmir and
- Marathwada University. At Jamia, I was appointed Hony. Director of the Centre. This Centre at Jamia did organize inservice teacher education programmes for teachers of Muslim managed Schools. We developed the training material and organized programmes for Science, Mathematics and Language (both English & Urdu) teachers. Jamia was one of the two Centres which could achieve its objectives.
(iii) Dr. Zakir Husain Memorial Welfare Society, New Delhi: A voluntary organization with a distinction that the Vice-Chancellor of the Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi is an ex-officio President of the Society. The Society is engaged in activities meant to uplift the downtrodden by providing them education and training toward making them self sufficient. It runs four units, namely, (i) Child Guidance Centre (ii) Crafts Centre (iii) Centre for Women’s Condensed Course and (v) Ibtida. We have added another dimensions of social service by winning the financial support of the HPS Social Welfare Foundation for training of young girls for taking up independent work of running pre-primary classes, providing remedial teaching in Govt. Primary Schools and preparing out-of-school children for regular schools. The Society is providing opportunity for a meaningful utilization of time of the educated young girls who were sitting at home before joining this Society. Three different groups have been trained for taking up the different kind of work. A structure has been developed for training & retaining the field functionaries. The Society has also taken the responsibility of running and monitoring all the programmes.
(iv) Distance Education Programme (DPEP) IGNOU: The project provided multimedia support to DPEP States for training primary education personnel. The project also trained these personnel through teleconferencing mode and started radio broadcast for primary school teachers of some DPEP States. The project has developed a countryside network for down link facilities for teleconferencing.
(v) Centre for Distance and Open Learning: The X Plan document of the UGC focus on Distance Education among other sectors. It envisages that the regular universities would take up imparting education through distance mode thus covering a large section of the population and easing the pressure on the formal system. As the Hony. Director of the Centre which was established by Jamia in September 2002, a good deal of Course material has been prepared for the Courses to be launched. Two programmes were launched during 2003-2004: B.Ed. and Diploma in Power Generation Engineering. Now the Centre has a total of 10 programmes of which 7 are professional preparation programme.
(vi) Academy for Professional Development of Urdu Medium Teachers: This Centre has been established by the MHRD to promote and develop the quality in teaching through Urdu medium. Jamia has initiated to form a Joint Advisory Committee of all the three such centres in the country. As its first Director since December 2006, the Centre has organized several programmes for primary as well as for secondary school teachers. The point of distinction is that this centre split the 3 week training programme into two phase: One phase comprise face to face interaction and preparation for project work; in this phase, teachers work on the project in their respective school and write the report which is shared at the University Centre at the end of the three week in a seminar discussion.
Any other information :
- Member of Several Academic Decision making bodies in various universities / institutions including DEC and IGNOU.
- Member / Office Bearer of professional organization like: Indian Association of Teacher Educators, comparative Education Society of India, All India Association of Educational Research.
(Mohammad Miyan)