NIQ No.05: Repair/Renovation works at Open Air Theatre at MANUU Campus
Expression of Interest for Leasing of Utility Services in MANUU Shopping Complex
Tender for Photocopier service provider
NIQ: Supplying Installation & Commission of Chandelier in the VC residence at MANUU Campus
Tender for providing Services of Group Medi-Claim Policy-Cum-Group Personal Accident Policy and Covid19 Coverage for MANUU Regular Students
Procurement of kits and chemicals for ICMR Project 2019-1022, MANUU –Dept of Zoology. Request to submit your lowest sealed quotation
E Tender for Supply of Laptops at various department and sections of MANUU, Hyderabad CPPP Tender ID 2021_MANUU_640996_1
E Tender for Supply of Video Camera with Tripods at various department and sections of MANUU, Hyderabad CPPP Tender ID 2021_MANUU_641004_1
NIQ 2 Supplying of Plumbing Items in the MANUU Campus
Supply of Fluvir (oseltamivir) 75mg or Any similar anti-viral drug Qty:1000 Nos. at Ibn Sina Health Centre, MANUU Procurement through LPC-Enquiry for quotations
Corrigendum for supply of Video Camera at MANUU, Hyderabad
Corrigendum for supply of Laptop at MANUU, Hyderabad
Tender Document for Supply of Laptops for Various Department/Sections of MANUU
Tender Document for Supply of Video Camera with Tripod for Various Department/Sections of MANUU
Tender Document for Hiring Services for Sanitization & Disinfection Covid-19 preventive measures for MANUU Offices, Hyderabad
NIQ for Painting of LQ3 and one Room at Finance Section, Admin Building in the MANUU Campus
Tender: Supplying of Civil materials (Carpentry items), in the MANUU Campus Hyderabad
Notice Inviting Tender (Two Bid System, Item wise L1 rate basis) For supply of E-Resources for MANUU Library System
Tender: Cleaning of Over Head Water tanks & Underground Sumps at MANUU Campus, Hyderabad
Online Tender for printing and supply of Answer booklets for Examination Branch
Printing and supply of Self Learning Material for DDE, MANUU, Hyderabad (Tender ID 2021_MANUU_617198_1)
E Tender for supply of Lexmark Cartridges for C925 Color printer at Exam Branch, MANUU, Hyderabad
Expression of Interest (EOI)-Empanelment of Book Suppliers/Distributor for MANUU Main Campus and its Constituent Colleges/Satellite Campuses
Corrigendum for e-tender No. MANUU/Purchase/F.124/2020-2021 dated 17.12.2020 (CPPP ID 2020_MANUU_604028_1)
Supply of Medicines / Drugs at University Health Centre, Pharmacy II, MANUU, Hyderabad.
Tenders: Date of receipt 0f quotations for the work of painting work at suite 1 and 2, D2,D4 rooms at university guest house and one room in type-4,D3 quarter at MANUU campus, Hyderabad upto 3 pm on 18-12-2020
Tender for providing services of Group Medi-Claim Policy Cum Group Personal Accident Policy and Covid19 Coverage for MANUU Regular Students
Corrigendum for rate contract for provision of Canteen services at UGC HRDC, MANUU, Hyderabad
Supplying of Civil materials (Carpentry and Plumbing items), in the MANUU Campus, Hyderabad
NIQ 18 for Painting work at at University Guest House and Staff Quarters
Rate contract for Provision of Canteen Services at UGC HRDC, MANUU, Gachibowli, Hyderabad 2020_MANUU_596315_1
E-Tender for Supply and Installation of Full HD Portable Live Switcher with Six Input Channel
Tender Notice For Running Stall/Kiosk for Providing Tea & Snacks Services
Online Tender for Supply of stationery and packing material at DDE
Notice Inviting Tender For providing services of Group Medi-Claim Policy-cum-Group Personal Accident Policy and Covid19 Coverage for MANUU Regular Students
Online CPPP Tender for Supply and Installation of Geiger Muller (GM) Counter for School of Sciences (Physical Sciences Lab)
Corrigendum for supply of Generic Medicines / Drugs for Health Centre
Tender: Supply of Generic Medicines at University Health Centre, MANUU
Repair and renovation works in pantry attached to VCs Peshi at MANUU
Corrigendum-2 for CPPP Tender ID 2020 MANUU_576635_1 dated 10.08.2020
Corrigendum for CPPP Tender ID 2020 MANUU_576635_1 dated 10.08.2020
Tender Document for Hiring Services/software for Conduct of Online Examinations of MANUU Final Semester/Year Regular Students
Notice: Extension Notice for the work of Cleaning of water tanks at MANUU Campus Hyd
Tender Document for Rate contract for supply of Generic Medicine for University Health Centre, MANUU
NIQ for Providing and fixing of Name plates at various buildings at MANUU Campus
Tender Notice for Running Stall/ Kiosk for Providing Tea & Snacks Services
Tender document for rate contract for providing canteen services at UGC HRDC, MANUU
NIQ for Cleaning of Water Tanks, Underground Water Sumps & Septic tanks in MANUU
Tender: Supply and installation of lab equipments School of Sciences (Physical Sciences Lab)
Tender Notice for Running Stall/Kiosk for Providing Tea & Snacks Services
Corrigendum: Revised Specifications for UTM(Next Generation Firewall)
Tender: Supply and installation of UTM (Nest Gen Firewall) Centre under buyback of existing UTM for Information Technology - Online (through CPPP)
Supply and Installation of Computer Lab Equipments at Centre for Teacher Education, Srinagar and Arts and Science College for Women, Srinagar
Tender Document of Media Equipment at IMC MANUU
Tender Document for Rate Contract for printing and supply of SLM books at DDE MANUU
Tender Document for Printing and supply of SLM Books at DDE MANUU
Tender Notice for Running University Canteen at Gachibowli Main Campus
Tender for Photocopier service provider
E-Tender for Printing and supply of Diaries, wall calemdars and other items for MANUU
NIQ No. 12: Repair of Solar Water Heating System in the UGC-HRDC Hostel
NIQ No. 13: Rectification of seepages in Azad Gallery at CUCS Building
Corrigendum: Revised Specifications in Media Equipment Tender
Tender: Procurement of Media Equipment for Instructional Media Centre, MANUU
Corrigendum: Tender ID 2019_MANUU_492560_1 dated: 06.08.2019
Corrigendum: Printing and Supply of Self Learning material for Directorate of Distance Education, MANUU
eTender for Supply and Installation of Major Lab Equipment in School of Sciences
Public Auction of used answer booklets of Examinations
Tender document for Printing and Supply of Self Learning material for Directorate of Distance Education, MANUU
NIQ for Repair of damaged flooring at Boys Hostel-II at MANUU Campus
Tender: Maintenance of Horticulture Works at Main Campus of MANUU
NIQ for suply of metal mesh with frame
NIQ for repair of Sewer line at Ty-III Qtrs
NIQ for supplying of Civil Building materials (Plumbing & Carpenrty items) to the Engineering Section at MANUU Campus.
Tender document for providing Security Services at Maulana Azad National Urdu University
NIQ No.07 Replacement of Broken Glasses at various hostels MANUU
Tender For Auction of Condemned Vehicles
NIQ No. 5. Supplying of Civil building materials plumbing & Carpentry items to the Engineering Section at MANUU
Supply and installation of Laboratory Tales for MANUU Polytechnic Hyderabad
NIQ for repair work in UGC HRDC hostel building at MANUU
Tender: Security Services at MANUU Polytechnic & ITI Bengaluru
Tender: Supply and Installation of Media Equipment at IMC, MANUU
Tender: Security Services at MANUU Satellite Campus, Darbhanga
NIQ-63: Repainting & Repair Works in PVC Residence at MANUU Campus Hyderabad.
Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract for Water Coolers installed at various building, MANUU Campus Hyderabad
Manufacturing and fixing of Exhibition shelves / Cup boards for display and sale of books for dept of translation & Publication at Deccan Studies building, MANUU Campus Hyderabad.
Repairing of Water supply line in front of Sport Graound at MANUU Campus
Extends the date of receipt of quotations for the work of "Supply of portable water in truck loads."
Expression of Interest for Empanelment of Registered Contractors for Repair, Maintenance & Minor works at MANUU Hyderabad
Manufacturing & fixing of Exhibition shelves / Cup boards for display & sale of books for Dept of translation & Publication at Deccan Studies Building, MANUU Campus Hyderabad.
Annual Maintenance Contract for Water Coolers installed at various building, MANUU Campus Hyderabad
Notice: Extension for supply of water through tankers in MANUU Campus
Construction of Pathway for Polytechnic building at MANUU Campus
Corrigendum for bids for engaging security guards at MANUU Satellite Campus Lucknow
NIQ: Notice for Supply of portable water in truck loads from Registered Government contractors and agencies
Tender Document For Engaging Security Guards at MANUU Satellite Campus Lucknow
NIQ: Notice Inviting Quotations for fixing exhibition shelves and Cup boards dept of Translation
Tender: Invitation for Online Tender for Supply and installation of X-Ray machine 300mA or above for University Health Centre
Tender: Tender for printing and Supply of Answer Booklets at Examination Branch
Tender:Supply and installation of lab equipment for Airconditioning & Refrigeration Trade of MANUU ITI, Hyderabad.
Tender:Supply and installation of lab equipment for Electrician Trade of MANUU ITI, Hyderabad.
Tender:Supply and Iron Chowky/Takhat.
Tender:Supply and installation of Digital X-Ray Setup (with Buyback of Old X-Ray), Semi Auto Analyser, and Cell Counter
Tender:Expression of Interest for setting up of Mechanized Laundry Services
Tender:Public Auction of disposal of papers (prospectus, applications forms, awards lists, answer scripts, stationery, outdated filed etc) of DDE
NIQ for cleaning of over head tanks, underground sumps and terrace tanks in MANUU
NIQ for Preparation of Volleyball and Badminton Court in Gulzar Girls Hostel at MANUU, Hyderabad
EOI for Empanelment of Registered Contractors for Repair, Maintenance and Minor works at MANUU Campus
E-Tender for Printing and supply of SLM at DDE MANUU
Annual maintenance of Horticulture works attached to MANUU Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad during 2018-19
Tender Notice for running Canteen on License cum rental basis at Maulana Azad National Urdu University
Invitation of e-Tender for Printing and Supply of SLM (Study Material) Tender Ref: 14/2018/DDE/BEd-I/2018, dt. 22-11-2018
The Tender Documents for Hiring of Security Services at CTE-Aurangabad
Invitation of e-Tender for Printing and Supply of Wall Calenders and Diaries
Tender document for Housekeeping Corrigendum minutes of the Pre-bid meeting
E Tender for printing and supply of SLM at DDE, MANUU
Tender Document for providing House Keeping Services at MANUU (Ref:/MANUU/Admin & Estate/F.14(Vol.III)/2018-19)
Corrigendum Extention of Date (RefTender ID2018_MANUU_387702_1 dated25.09.2018)
NIQ for providing and fixing alluminum sheet in School of Arts & Social Sciences building at MANUU Campus
Replacing damaged GI water line with CPVC line at MANUU Campus, Hyderabad.
Public Auction of used answer booklets of Exam Branch.
Empanelment for Still Photography Services for MANUU
Annual Maintenance of Horticulture works attached to MANUU Campus, Gachibowli, Hyderabad during 2018-19
NIQ for the work of Removing and relaying of Cement concrete payer blocks foot path in the Central Lawn at MANUU, Hyderabad
Premises required for MANUU CTE Bidar, Karnataka, on rent/lease.
Tender Notification for Students Group Insurance
Replacing damaged Sign Board of University near Main road, MANUU, Hyderabad |
Corrigendum for printing and supply of answer booklets for Exam Branch |
e tender for printing and supply of ID Cards, Lanyards and Holder Sets |
Invitation of E-Tender for Printing and Supply of Answer Booklets for Examination Branch |
Expression of Interest of R.C.Kolkata for Premises required for MANUU R.C at Kolkata on Rent/Lease |
Tender for Photocopier (Xerox) service provider |
MANUU-Purchase & Stores - Public Auction of used answer booklets of Exam Branch |
Corrigendum of online tender for Supply and installation of ECE equipment at Polytechnic Bangalore |
Request for Quotation for providing unlimited Broadband internet connection at MANUU Polytechnic, Nagarbhavi, Bangalore |
Tender document for Supply and installation of Universal Testing Machine at MANUU, Polytechnic Hyderabad & Darbhanga |
Tender document for Supply and installation of Total Station & Electronics Theodalite for Civil Engineering Lab Equipments at MANUU, Polytechnic Hyderabad, Bangalore & Darbhanga |
Tender document for Supply and installation of Venturimeter and Other Lab Equipments at MANUU, Polytechnic Hyderabad, Bangalore & Darbhanga |
Tender document for Supply and installation of Civil Engineering Lab Equipments at MANUU, Polytechnic Hyderabad, Bangalore & Darbhanga |
Tender document for Supply and installation of Physics Lab Equipment and furniture for Polytechnic Bangalore and Polytechnic Darbhanga |
Tender document for Supply and installation of Equipments for ECE Lab of Polytechnic Darbhanga |
Tender document for Supply and installation of Rockwell and Brinell Hardness Testing Machine and Other laboratory Equipment for Polytechnic Hyderabad |
Institutional premises required for MANUU Polytechnic & ITI at Cuttack |
Extension of date of Submission for Space required for MANUU Sub-Regional Centre (SRC) at Hyderabad |
Expression of Interest for setting Internet Services at various Campuses of MANUU |
Tender document for Printing and Supply of Self Learning material for Directorate of Distance Education, MANUU |
Notice Inviting Quotation for civil materials (Plumbing items) at office of the Engineering Section, MANUU |
Tender document of Annual Rate Contract for Printing and Supply of Course Materials / Other Academic Materials (Books) at MANUU |
Corrigendum - Ref: Tender ID: 2018_MANUU_303750_2 dated: 23.02.2018 |
Corrigendum - Ref: Tender ID: 2018_MANUU_303979_1 dated: 23.02.2018 |
Tender Notice for Running Kiosk for Tea & Snacks |
Premises Required for Manuu Polytchnic at Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh, on Rent /Lease |
Tender document for Supply of various equipments at Dept. of MCJ, MANUU |
Corrigendum - Tender document for Supply of DVCAM Cassettes and DVD Boxes at IMC, MANUU |
Space required for MANUU Sub-Regional Centre(SRC) at Hyderabad Word File |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Physical Sciences Equipments at various departments under School of Sciences |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Microscopy Equipments at various departments under School of Sciences |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Molecular Biology Equipments at various departments under School of Sciences |
Addendum for Student Health Insurance quotation |
Invitation for Quotation for Providing Group Mediclaim-cum-Personal Accident Insurance Policy for the Students of MANUU |
Supply of various stationery items at Directorate of Distance Education, MANUU- Online (through CPPP) Tender Enquiry |
EOI Empanelment of Book Suppliers/Distributor for MANUU Main Campus and its Constituent Colleges/Satellite Campuses |
Tender Document for Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract of UPS Systems |
Expression of Interest for hiring of office accommodation for RC New Delhi |
Corrigendum - Cancellation of Tender |
Tender Document for Printing and supply of wall calendars and diaries at Public Relation Office of MANUU |
Tender Document for Procurement of Ethernet Routing Switch Part (PART CODE: AL3500C15 E6) for CIT |
Tender Document for Procurement of 500 LPH RO Plants for University Hostels |
Open Tender for Supply and Installation of Lab Equipment for Various Departments under School of Sciences |
Tender Document for Providing Housekeeping Services at MANUU |
Open Tender for printing and supply of SLM for the year 2017 at D.D.E |
Tender Document for Providing Security Services at MANUU |
Limited Tender for Printing and supply of TYVEK Envelopes at Examination Branch |
Corrigendum for Limited tender for Supply of tattle tape at Saiyid Hamid Library |
Limited Tender for procurement of tattle tape for Saiyid Hamid Library |
Limited Tender for supply and installation of i)Line Interactive Smart 1 KVA UPS and ii)SMF Batteries for online UPS at CIT |
Tender Document for Canteen at MANUU |
Limited Tender for printing and supply of Answer Scripts for Exam Branch |
Limited Tender for Printing and supply of Prospectus for the year 2017-2018 and ET Prospectus for D.D.E |
Corrigendum for furniture tender of Model School Hyderabad |
Limited tender for procurement of furniture for Model School Hyderabad |
Limited tender for supply, installation and maintenance of multi authentication adhar based bio metric attendance at MANUU, and Model School Hyderabad. |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Various Tools, Equipments & Furniture for Five Trades of VTC / ITI, Hyderabad |
Limited tender to Supply and Installation of Desktops at Dept. of Education & Training (Language Lab) MANUU headquarters |
Limited tender to procure printed stationery and other items for Exam Branch |
Tender Document for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of Multi authentication Adhar based Biometric attendance system at MANUU headquarters & Model School, Hyderabad |
Supply & Installation of Server at University Library - Limited Tender Enquiry |
Tender Document for Corrigendum of Supply of potable water to Maulana Azad National Urdu University |
Tender Document for Supply and erection of Stage, Tent, Furniture, Electrical and Sound system on hire basis on 13th April 2017 at University |
Tender Document for Corrigendum of Multi authentication Adhar based Biometric attendance system |
Tender Document for Supply of potable water to Maulana Azad National Urdu University, Gachibowli, Hyderabad during April 2017 to May 2017 |
Tender Document for Procurement of furniture for H.K. Sherwani Center for Deccan Studies of the University |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Server at Centre for Information Technology, MANUU |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of furniture at MANUU Polytechnic Chandanpatti Laheriasaria Darbhanga |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Furniture at CTE Bhopal |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Laptops at various sections MANUU Headquarters |
Tender Document for Procurement of furniture for Saiyid Hamid Library of the University |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Lab Equipment for Departments Under School of Science, MANUU |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of ECE-Lab Equipments for MANUU Polytechnic Darbhanga |
Tender Document for procurement of Civil Lab Equipments for MANUU Polytechnic Darbhanga |
Tender Document to Supply and Install of Computer, Server, Printer & Smart Class Room Equipments for MANUU Polytechnic Darbhanga |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Computer peripherals for Examination Branch at MANUU Campus |
Tender Document for Supply of glassware, consumables, Chemicals & Minor equipment at Dept. of Physics, MANUU |
Tender Document for Supply of glassware, consumables, Chemicals & Minor equipment at Dept. of Chemistry, MANUU |
Tender Document for Supply of glassware, consumables, Chemicals & Minor equipment at Dept. of Botany, MANUU |
Tender Document for Supply of glassware, consumables, Chemicals & Minor equipment at Dept. of Zoology, MANUU |
Tender Document for Supply of Computer-Peripherals and Equipments at MANUU at CTE, Srinagar |
Tender Document for Supply and installation of Software’s and Equipments at Dept. of MCJ of the University |
Tender Document for Supply of furniture at UGC Net Coaching Centre |
Tender Document for Supply of furniture at Examination Branch |
Tender Document for Procurement of Lab / Office Furniture for School of Science, MANUU Hyderabad |
Limited Tender - Air Conditioner, Air Cooler and Refrigerator for School of Science |
Limited Tender - Supply and installation of Digital Classroom equipment at Model School, Hyderabad |
Limited Tender for supply and installation of Sewing Machines at Model School, Hyderabad |
Tender Document for Supply of Furniture at MANUU at CTE, Nuh-Mewat |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Computers at MANUU at CTE, Bidar |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Computer and Peripherals at MANUU at CTE, Darbhanga |
Tender Document for Supply of Furniture Items at MANUU at CTE, Darbhanga |
Tender Document for Supply of Furniture Items at MANUU at CTE, Srinagar |
Tender Document for Supply and installation of A.C’s, Water Purifier & Fans at MANUU at CTE, Srinagar |
Tender Document for Supply of Furniture at MANUU at CTE, Asansol |
Tender Document for Supply of Desktop Computers at MANUU at CTE, Asansol |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Computers at CTE, Bhopal |
Tender Document for Procurement of Auto Rickshaw (TATA ACE MEGA or similar) for Hostels of the University |
Tender Document for Canteen at MANUU |
Tender Document for Supply of furniture at CSE Coaching Academy, MANUU |
Tender Document for Supply of furniture items at CTE, Bidar, MANUU |
Corrigendum for print Self Learning Material (SLM) Directorate of Distance Education for the Academic Year 2016-17 |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of the Active and Passive Networking Components for Extension of its Lan in Girls Hostel and Coaching Academy |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Various Tools, Equipments & Furniture for Five Trades of VTC / ITI, Hyderabad |
Limited Tender for supply and Installation of Air Conditioner (2.0 ton) at CUCS, MANUU, Hyderabad |
Tender Document cum Rate Contract to print Self Learning Material (SLM) Directorate of Distance Education for the Academic Year 2016-17 |
Procurement of Software and Equipment for Dept. of MCJ - Corrigendum |
Limited Tender Document for Engaging Security Guards at CTE Education - Aurangabad |
Tender Document to Supply and Installation of Photocopier machines at MANUU Campus |
Tender Document for Supply of furniture items at MANUU, Arts & Science College for Women, Budgam, Kashmir |
Tender Document to Supply and Installation of Software’s and Equipments at Dept. of M.C.J of the University |
Tender Document to Procurement of furniture for Hostels of the University |
Tender Document to Supply and Installation of furniture at CTE, Aurangabad |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Computers at CTE, Aurangabad |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Computers & Printers at MANUU, CTE, NUH, Mewat Haryana |
Tender Document for Supply of furniture at MANUU, CTE, NUH, Mewat Haryana |
Tender Document to Supply and Installation of Computers & Printers at MANUU, Arts & Science College for Women, Budgam, Kashmir |
Open Tender to procure Plywood Cabins for Girls Hostel of the University |
Tender Document to Retendering of supply and erection of tent for University Convocation |
Tender Document to providing Security Services at MANUU off campus, Darbhanga |
Tender Document to Procurement of Equipment for Hostels of the University |
Tender Document to Procurement of Software and Hardware for Instructional Media Centre of the University |
Open Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Computers & Peripherals at various Departments/Section of the University |
Tender Document to Supply and installation of equipment / material at MANUU Campus |
Tender Document to Procurement of Software and Hardware for Instructional Media Centre of the University |
Tender Notification No: MANUU/POLY./BLR/F.24 /2016-17/206 on Dated: 07/10/2016 - tendering is open till 16/12/2016, 11.00am
Extension of last date of Limited Tender Document to Procurement of Furniture / Equipment items for VIP Guest House |
Tender Document to procure printed stationery items for Purchase & Stores Sections |
Tender Document to Annual Maintenance Contract of Water Coolers |
Tender Document to Printing of Diaries, Wall Calendars and Table Calendars of the University |
Tender Document to Supply ‘s’ type chairs for Saiyid Hamid Library and Hostels of the University |
Tender Document to Supply and Installation of Equipment / Material at
MANUU Campus |
Tender Document to procure printed stationery items for Purchase & Stores Sections |
Tender Document to supply of furniture for School of Arts & Social Science |
Tender Document for Horticulture Services at MANUU |
Limited Tender for floating |
Open Tender Notification for procurement of Answerbooklets (Qty: 3.5 lakhs Booklets) |
Tender Document to Supply and Installation of SMF Batteries for Online UPS’ at various Departments of University |
Tender Document to Supply of Furniture at Dept. of CS&IT |
Tender Document to Supply of Furniture at Directorate of Translation & Publication |
Tender Document to Supply of Furniture and Equipment at VIP Guest House |
Tender Document to Supply and Installation of Professional DSLR Camera for IMC, MANUU |
Tender Document to Supply and Installation 11 KVA UPS for D.D.E |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Various medical equipment and other items for Health Centre |
Tender Document for Supply and Installation of Various tools at MANUU-ITI, Bangalore |
Tender Document cum Rate Contract to print
Self Learning Material, Assignments for DDE for the Academic Year 2015-16 |
Tender Document to supply dining tables for Hostels of the University |
Tender Document to supply ‘s’ type chairs with full arms for Saiyid Hamid Library and Hostels of the University |
Tender Document to supply stationary items for D.D.E |
Tender Document to supply slotted angle racks (heavy duty) for various departments / section of the University |
Notice Inviting Quotation(NIQ) for supply of water through tankers for MANUU campus |
Tender Document for supply and Installation of Various Furniture for Polytechnic-Hyderabad |
Tender Document to supply furniture and equipments for various departments/section of the University |
Tender Document to procure printed answer booklets for Exam Branch |
Inviting tender for Procurement of Screen, Electric Cable, VGA Cable, Ceiling mount kit and curtains |
Inviting Quotation(NIQ) for supply of water through tankers for MANUU Campus |
Limited Tender Enquiry for Furniture and Equipment for VIP Guest House |