Dr Syed Alim Ashraf,
Associate Professor &Head,
Department of Arabic,
Phone No.: 040- 23008319
Mobile No.: 9885700584
Email-ID: aleemashrafj(at)tadhkiya[dot]org
Dear aspirants for admission to the Department of Arabic We, the teachers of the department, are pleased to welcome you to the Department. The language you have preferred for your career is not only a language of Quran and Hadith but it has also been the language of culture, literature and spirituality for 1500 years. It inherited the treasures of knowledge from the ancient Indian, Persian, Roman, Greek and Egyptian civilizations. A largely unexplored treasure of knowledge is enshrined in this language in the form of tens of thousands of manuscripts in India. It is the Richest language of the Semitic family of languages. It is the Official language of 22 Arab Countries from Morocco to Bahrain and the Second language of Senigal, Mali, Chad and Israel. It is one of the Six Official languages of the United Nations. It is spoken by more than 500 million people all over the world. It is the language of world-class Modern literature and a language in demand in the market and offers great and diversified job opportunities for the young scholars of Arabic. The Department focuses on effective and efficient training of the students to enable them to reach the heights of their aspiration in present day job market.
The Department offers B. A. M. A., M. Phil and Ph. D as full time programmes and Advance Diploma in Modern Arabic Language and Translation, Diploma in Arabic and Certificate of Proficiency in Arabic as part time programmes. Over the years, the department has established itself as the premier centre of research in Arabic language, Literature and culture in the entire south Indian region. It is evident from the overwhelming response of the students, the department received during the past eight years as the number of applications was almost double the intake of each programme every year especially in PG Programme. The candidates are coming from across the country. This shows the National character of the University.